With research, be as exhaustive as possible without it becoming exhausting. (March 13, 2019)

Superstitions are killing the planet. (Viz., the idea that we need x in order for y to happen or not to happen; that we need more bunkers, armor, weapons, food, etc., in order to feel safe; these are superstitions. And they are killing the planet.) (March 22, 2019)

Maximizing/optimizing extraction/expropriation is not the same as biomimicry. (April 11, 2019)

I’m on team justice. Are you on team conflict avoidance? (April 15, 2019)

Justice is shared sacrifice, including past sacrifices. (April 15, 2019)

People who are conflict avoidant usually are afraid of a reckoning confirming already-held anxieties about the injustice of their position. (April 15, 2019)

One-ply is sufficient if thick enough. Four-ply will never be enough if it’s too thin. (May 11, 2019)

How do we make access to nature equally accessible, or inaccessible, depending on our aims, without having it based on economic access (which often is reliant on illegitimate or violent prior actions, conscious or not)? Or, should access to wilderness be based on care? — On a genuine love and nurturing, and softness and sensitivity to the relational connection of self and environment? In which case, money would not have anything to do with it, but rather a different type of aristocracy, a natural aristocracy based on connectedness to inner and outer nature. (May 23, 2019)

I suspect that people use perfume or cologne in equal proportion to how fetid their underlying smell really is. (May 23, 2019)

Respect it, don’t expect it. (June 11, 2019)

I’ve been having some really intelligent conversations with myself lately. (June 11, 2019)

It’s not the fashion industry, the fascist industry. (June 11, 2019)

Say as little as possible, do as much as is necessary. (June 11, 2019)

Do your due diligence or you’re done. (June 12, 2019)