by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 30, 2022 | agroecology, Aphorisms, beyond idealism, Biophilia, Decolonization, deep ecology, Indigenous Peoples, Uncategorized
Pat McCabe, Weyakpa Najin Win (Woman Stands Shining) of the Diné (Navajo) Nation describes the difference between lighting a fire by hand, versus with a standard plastic or metal lighter: “the machine takes out the tenderest part of feeling.” It’s not as if nothing is...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 29, 2022 | beyond idealism, beyond liberalism, Conflicts of Interest, Decolonization, Discursive Gap, duh, exploitation, Fake Freedoms, Industrial Epidemics, parasitism, philosophy of science
So, I came across this brilliant comedian on Facebook the other day, and Facebook, in all of their infinite wisdom censored it from me, according to their factcheckers (who have done absolutely nothing to curb climate change, by the way). Toni Bologna claims Vanguard...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Eric Holthaus’s newsblog interview with Ketan Joshi in The Phoenix: What I’d love to see is a major company, instead of buying offsets and greenwashing us, is to be up front and unambiguous and say: “We are not going to fully reduce our...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 22, 2022 | beyond idealism, beyond liberalism, Climate Change, Decolonization, Discursive Gap, Environmental Justice, Environmental Political Theory, glyphosate, Greenwashing, Harm Reduction, Industrial Epidemics, Syndemics, Systems thinking
Chemical Colonialism: Environmental justice and industrial epidemics I’ve got a new blog in the Environment & Society blog loosely connected to my 2021 paper in their journal. It builds on my interest in environmental history, particularly having read Fabian...