by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Dec 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
My new paper co-authored with the excellent scientists at the Union for Concerned Scientists “The disinformation playbook: how industry manipulates the science-policy process—and how to restore scientific integrity” appears in the Journal of Public Health...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Oct 22, 2021 | beyond idealism, beyond liberalism, Conflicts of Interest, deus ex machina, Discursive Gap, Extended Producer Responsibility, Fake Freedoms, glyphosate, Industrial Epidemics, Industry Documents, Perverse Incentives, philosophy of science, pollution, Public Health, Publications, Side-effects, Syndemics, Systems thinking, Tobacco Industry, Verschlimmbessern
My recently published paper in Environment & Society “Surveying the Chemical Anthropocene: Chemical Imaginaries and the Politics of Defining Toxicity,” draws on Sheila Jasanoff’s notion of “sociotechnical imaginaries” to describe how...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Sep 27, 2021 | animals, Bad Advertising, Bees, Climate Change, Discursive Gap, Interspecies Communication, Naturverlassenheit, pollution, Publications, Side-effects, Syndemics, Systems thinking, Uncategorized
In an Earth Day issue of Time magazine (April 26/ May3 2021), we have an advertisement from the RJ Reynolds (or Reynolds American) tobacco company “Natural” American Spirits proclaiming “in more ways than one, bees are worthy of our love.” Yes,...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Aug 10, 2021 | beyond idealism, Fragmentation, Semiotics, Systems thinking
My kid doesn’t play with Legos the way that Lego wants you to think that people build Legos. Instead of those lush displays with those thousand dollar co-branded sets with odious media corporations that only have pieces that you can use in one way once and then it’s...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Jul 15, 2021 | Biosemiotics, Communication, Publications
My co-edited book with Jonathan Hope, Food and Medicine: A Biosemiotic Perspective, was just published with Springer Nature (2021). This volume explores how the most basic processes in our everyday lives – the material engagement with food and medicine –...