by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Jan 28, 2023 | Climate Change, Communication, Conflicts of Interest, Dante Alighieri — 'The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.', death, Decolonization, Discursive Gap, Environmental Justice, Environmental Political Theory, Fake Freedoms, folly, Industrial Epidemics, Normal is Over, pollution, Priorities, Public Health
Governments are supposed to help us live better, survive. You know, all that crap Hobbes went on about, keeping us from killing each other. But when government systematically shuts up those who try to help us from committing collective suicide through broken Nash...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Dec 18, 2022 | beyond idealism, beyond liberalism, Bureaucratic quixotic, Climate Change, Communication, Conflicts of Interest, Dante Alighieri — 'The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.', death, Decolonization, deep ecology, deus ex machina, Discursive Gap, duh, Energy, Environmental Justice, Environmental Political Theory, exploitation, Fake Freedoms, fake loops, folly, Greenwashing, Industrial Epidemics, Industry Documents, Naturverlassenheit, Normal is Over, normalization, Perverse Incentives, philosophy of science, pollution, Priorities, Public Health, Systems thinking, University Life
After the 28 November, 2022 occupation of the Sanders Building at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where I work, by OccupyEUR, the students involved in the very nonviolent protest were violently removed by riot police at the Executive Board’s behest. Not the finest...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | May 7, 2022 | Climate Change, Conflicts of Interest, Decolonization, folly, Greenwashing, Industrial Epidemics, Side-effects, Syndemics, Systems thinking, Verschlimmbessern
There’s a new Handbook of Anti-Environmentalism, which is a new term to me. It seems it should be commonplace. For it articulates the madness which we have experienced in the 20th and 21st centuries, descending on us like a dark, inarticulate cloud. The delay...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Apr 8, 2022 | beyond idealism, beyond liberalism, Bureaucratic quixotic, Climate Change, Communication, Decolonization, Discursive Gap, duh, eating animals, Environmental Justice, Fake Freedoms, folly, Industrial Epidemics, meat, Priorities, Systems thinking, the real, Wolves in sheep's clothing
You would think that at Erasmus University, that those trolls wishing the end of the world so that they don’t have to examine their own lives would have the good sense to keep their mouths shut. Unfortunately, that seems to be an unfounded belief. The me-first...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 22, 2022 | beyond idealism, beyond liberalism, Climate Change, Decolonization, Discursive Gap, Environmental Justice, Environmental Political Theory, glyphosate, Greenwashing, Harm Reduction, Industrial Epidemics, Syndemics, Systems thinking
Chemical Colonialism: Environmental justice and industrial epidemics I’ve got a new blog in the Environment & Society blog loosely connected to my 2021 paper in their journal. It builds on my interest in environmental history, particularly having read Fabian...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 15, 2022 | Climate Change, Discursive Gap, Industrial Epidemics, Normal is Over, normalization, Priorities, Public Health, Side-effects, Syndemics, Systems thinking
Environmental philosopher and public health scientist Yogi Hale Hendlin will discuss the relationship between climate and viruses during this webinar and argues for a drastic change in behavior instead of treating symptoms. Is our relationship to flora and fauna not...