by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 22, 2025 | agroecology, beyond liberalism, chemicals, Climate Change, Communication, Decolonization, deep ecology, Environmental Justice, exploitation, Fragmentation, Greenwashing, Indigenous Peoples, Industrial Epidemics, philosophy of science, Plants, Public Health, Semiocide, Side-effects, Syndemics, Talks
Everyone loves flowers. They brighten our day. They remind us of the beauty of life, and they are ephemeral, a memento mori of sorts to reflect upon our own mortality. But in the past half-century, the presence of flowers has moved from local to global markets, from...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Mar 30, 2022 | agroecology, Aphorisms, beyond idealism, Biophilia, Decolonization, deep ecology, Indigenous Peoples, Uncategorized
Pat McCabe, Weyakpa Najin Win (Woman Stands Shining) of the Diné (Navajo) Nation describes the difference between lighting a fire by hand, versus with a standard plastic or metal lighter: “the machine takes out the tenderest part of feeling.” It’s not as if nothing is...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Jun 29, 2018 | agroecology, conservation, Decolonization, Discursive Gap, Environmental Justice, Environmental Political Theory, exploitation, Indigenous Peoples, Perverse Incentives, Publications, Uncategorized
As part of my project on land rights in Latin America, a recent paper titled “Environmental justice as a (potentially) hegemonic concept: a historical look at competing interests between the MST and indigenous people in Brazil” appears in Local...